Subdivision County City
Abbott Grove Oldham CRESTWOOD,
Aberdeen Jefferson ABERDEEN
Academy Estates Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Academy Ridge Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Adams Hill Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Adams Run Jefferson lOUISVILLE
Aero Acres Bullitt
Aiken Inv Farm Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Aikenshire Estates Shelby
Airview Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Airview Estates Hardin ELIZABETHTOWN
Alfresco Place Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Algonquin Garden Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Algonquin Place Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Alhambra Heights Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Alia Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Allen Heights Jefferson LOUISVILLE
Allen Place North Spencer TAYLORSVILLE,
Allston Jefferson Louisville
Almeda Estates Oldham LA GRANGE
Alta Place Jefferson Louisville
Alta Vista Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Altagate-Sulgrave Jefferson Louisville
Ambassador East Jefferson Louisville
Anchor Estates Jefferson ANCHORAGE
Anchor Estates Oldham LA GRANGE
Anchorage Jefferson Louisville
Anchorage Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Anchorage Woods Jefferson Louisville
Anderson Park Jefferson Louisville
Angel Farms Shelby BAGDAD
Angels Crossing Bullitt TAYLORSVILLE
Antle Jefferson Louisville
Antlers Trace Nelson COX'S CREEK
Apple Valley Jefferson Louisville
Applegate Village Jefferson Louisville
Aqua Shores Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Arbor Creek Jefferson Louisville
Arbor Green Spencer FISHERVILLE
Arbor Green Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Arbor Place Jefferson Louisville
Arbor Ridge Oldham CRESTWOOD
Arbor Wood Jefferson Louisville
Arbor Wood Jefferson JEFFERSONTOWN,
Arborgate Jefferson Louisville
Arboro Place Jefferson Louisville
Arlington Jefferson Louisville
Arlington Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Arlington Meadows Jefferson fISHERVILLE
Arlington Meadows Jefferson EASTWOOD
Arrowhead Jefferson Louisville
Arterburn Crossing Jefferson Louisville
Artisan Park Oldham LA GRANGE
Artspace Jefferson Louisville
Asbury Park Jefferson Louisville
Ash Landing Oldham PEWEE VALLEY
Ashbrooke Garden Jefferson Louisville
Ashbrooke Jefferson Louisville
Ashbrooke Meadows Nelson BARDSTOWN
Ashby Acres Jefferson Louisville
Ashby Woods Jefferson Louisville
Ashland Heights Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Ashley Place Jefferson Louisville
Ashley Woods Jefferson Louisville
Ashmoor Woods Jefferson Louisville
Ashwood Bluff Jefferson Louisville
Ashwood Villas Oldham LA GRANGE
Astoria Place Jefferson Louisville
Atrium at Stonybrook Jefferson Louisville
Atterberry Jefferson Louisville
Auburn Jefferson Louisville
Auburn Estates Jefferson Louisville
Auburn Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Auburndale Jefferson Louisville
Auburndale Garden Jefferson Louisville
Audubon Park Jefferson Louisville
Audubon Park II Spencer MT EDE
Audubon Park Subdivisions
Audubon Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Audubon Terrace Bullitt
Audubon Woods Jefferson Louisville
Audubonvale Jefferson Louisville
Aulbern Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Austin Woods Jefferson Louisville
Autumn Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Autumn Glen Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Autumn Glen Patio Homes Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Autumn Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Autumn Trace Jefferson Louisville
Autumn Woods Jefferson Louisville
Avon Court Jefferson Louisville
Avondale Jefferson Louisville
Avondale MELBOURNE HEIGHTS Jefferson Louisville
Ayars Jefferson Louisville
Ayars and Clark Jefferson Louisville
Ballantrae Jefferson Louisville
Ballard Court Jefferson Louisville
Ballard Glen Oldham SMITHFIELD
Ballard Place Oldham LA GRANGE
Ballard Woods Oldham SMITHFIELD
Balmoral Jefferson Louisville
Bancroft Jefferson Louisville
Bannon Crossings Jefferson Louisville
Barbizon Oldham GOSHEN
Barbizon Place Oldham GOSHEN
Barbour Manor Jefferson Louisville
Barbour Manor Woods Jefferson Louisville
Barbour Place Jefferson Louisville
Barbourmeade Jefferson Louisville
Barbourmeade Subdivisions
Bardstown Road Heights
Bardstown Road Subdivisions
Bardstown Road Jefferson Louisville
Bardstown Woods Jefferson Louisville
Baringer Jefferson Louisville
Barret Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Bashford Manor Jefferson Louisville
Bashford Manor Gard Jefferson Louisville
Bashford Manor Subdivisions
Bashford Place Jefferson Louisville
Baxter Loop Condominiums Jefferson Louisville
Baxter Place Jefferson Louisville
Bay Colony Jefferson Louisville
Bay Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Bay Run Jefferson Louisville
Bay Tree Jefferson Louisville
Bayfield Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Bayne Acres Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Bayview Jefferson Louisville
Beachland Jefferson Prospect
Beachland BEACH Jefferson Prospect
Beacon Hill Spencer Fisherville
Beaumont Jefferson Louisville
Becker Quarry Oldham CRESTWOOD,
Beckley Crossing Estates Jefferson Louisville
Beckley Woods Jefferson Louisville
Beech Grove Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Beech Grove Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Beech Spring Farm Jefferson Louisville
Beech Valley Estates Bullitt Lebanon Junction
Beechdale Place Oldham CRESTWOOD,
Beechmont Oldham SMITHFIELD
Beechwood Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Beechwood Village Jefferson Louisville
Belcourt Jefferson Louisville
Belgravia Jefferson Louisville
Belknap Oldham Prospect
Belknap Jefferson Louisville
Belknap Beach Estates Oldham Prospect
Bella Vista Jefferson Louisville
Bella Woods Hardin Rineyville
Bella Woods Bullitt Shepherdsville
Bellavista Woods Jefferson Louisville
Bellefonte Estates Shelby Simpsonville
Bellemeade Jefferson Louisville
Bellewood Jefferson Louisville
Belmar Jefferson Louisville
Belmont Heights Jefferson Louisville
Belmont Park Jefferson Louisville
Benjamin Woods Jefferson Louisville
Benson Trace Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Berrytown Jefferson Louisville
Bethany Acres Jefferson Louisville
Bethany Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Bethany View Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Bethel Branch Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Beulah Church Jefferson Louisville
Beverly Manor Jefferson Louisville
Big Clifty Manor Bullitt Shepherdsville
Big Springs Jefferson Louisville
Big Springs Nelson Bardstown
Big Springs Village Jefferson Louisville
Billtown Farms Jefferson Louisville
Birchwood Jefferson Louisville
Birchwood Crossings Jefferson Louisville
Birchwood Place Jefferson Louisville
Bittersweet Jefferson Louisville
Bittersweet Villa Jefferson Louisville
Blakely Woods
Blankenbaker Woods Jefferson Louisville
Bleemel Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Blossom Ridge Es Bullitt Shepherdsville
Blue Ridge Manor Jefferson Louisville
Blue Rose Jefferson Louisville
Bluefield Jefferson Louisville
Bluegrass Jefferson Louisville
Bluegrass Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bluegrass Farms Spencer Taylorsville
Bluegrass Fields Jefferson Louisville
Bogard Woods Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Bolling Brook Jefferson Louisville
Bon Air Jefferson Louisville
Bon Air Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bonaventure Jefferson Louisville
Bonnie Brae Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Bonniemere Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Bonniewood Jefferson Louisville
Bonnycastle Jefferson Louisville
Boonea Vista Jefferson Louisville
Boones Grove Jefferson jeffersontow
Borowick Farms Oldham la GRANGE
Boulders of Mallard Lake Bullitt Shepherdsville
Boulevard Heights Jefferson Louisville
Bowman Manor Jefferson Louisville
Boxelder Crossing Jefferson Louisville
Boxwood Heights Jefferson Louisville
Bradford Commons Jefferson Louisville
Bradford Farms
Bradford Grove Jefferson Louisville
Bradley Heights Jefferson Louisville
Braeview Jefferson Louisville
Bramblett Farm Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Brandywyne Jefferson Louisville
Brashears Creek Farm Spencer Taylorsville
Brassfield Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Bratcher Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Breckenridge Estates Jefferson Louisville
Breckenridge Heights Jefferson Louisville
Breckenridge Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Breckenridge Orchard Jefferson Louisville
Breckenridge Village Jefferson Louisville
Brentlawn Estate Jefferson Fisherville
Brentwood Jefferson jeffersontow
Brentwood Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Brentwood Estates Hardin Elizabethtown
Brentwood Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Briar Hill Jefferson Louisville
Briar Hill Estates Oldham Crestwood
Briar Hill Estates Jefferson Louisville
Briar Hill Farms Oldham Crestwood
Briarcliff Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Briargate Oldham Crestwood
Briargate Jefferson Louisville
Briarwood Hardin Elizabethtown
Briarwood Jefferson Louisville
Briarwood Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bridge Creek Jefferson Louisville
Bridgegate Jefferson Louisville
Bridgemore Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bridgepointe Jefferson Prospect
Bridgepointe Estates Nelson Bardstown
Bridgepointe Estates Jefferson Prospect
Bridges of Razor Creek Jefferson Louisville
Bridlewood Jefferson Louisville
Bridlewood Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bridlewood Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Bridlewood Trails Jefferson Louisville
Brighton Springs Jefferson Louisville
Briscoe Manor Jefferson Louisville
Briscoe Place Jefferson Louisville
Bristol Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Bristol Woods Jefferson Louisville
Brittany Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Brittany Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Brittany Woods Jefferson Louisville
Broad Acres Jefferson Louisville
Broadfern Jefferson Louisville
Broadfields Jefferson Louisville
Broadmeade Jefferson Louisville
Broadmoor Park Jefferson Louisville
Broeck Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Bronzewing Farms Jefferson Louisville
Brookdale Village Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Brooke Stone Oldham Crestwood
Brookfield Jefferson Louisville
Brookfield Manor Jefferson Louisville
Brookfield Manor Jefferson Louisville
Brookhaven Jefferson Louisville
Brookhollow Jefferson Louisville
Brookhurst Jefferson Louisville
Brookley Place Jefferson Louisville
Brooks Acres Bullitt Shepherdsville
Brooks Hickory Hollow Jefferson Louisville
Brooks Landing Bullitt Shepherdsville
Brookshire Jefferson Louisville
Brookshire Village Jefferson Louisville
Brookview Estates
Brookwood Oldham Crestwood
Brookwood Jefferson Louisville
Brookwood Forest Jefferson Louisville
Brown Acres Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Brown Suburban Jefferson Louisville
Brownhurst Manor Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Farms Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Glen Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Park Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Road Subdivisions
Brownsboro Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Village Jefferson Louisville
Brownsboro Woods Jefferson Louisville
Bryan Estates Jefferson Louisville
Bryarfield Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Brynwood Jefferson Louisville
Buck Creek Farms Spencer Taylorsville
Buckeye Trace Oldham GOSHEN
Buckingham Estates Jefferson Louisville
Buechel Jefferson Louisville
Buechel Landing Jefferson Louisville
Buechel Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Bullitt County Homes
Bullitt Creek Condos Bullitt Shepherdsville
Bullitt Hills Bullitt Louisville
Burk & Speith Jefferson Louisville
Burkland Gardens Adair Shepherdsville
Burkshire Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Burlwood Commons Jefferson Louisville
Butchertown Jefferson Louisville
Butchertown CONDOMINIUM Jefferson Louisville
Butler Acres Jefferson Louisville
Bycks Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Byers Manor Jefferson Louisville
Cabin Creek Bullitt Brooks
Caldwell Jefferson Louisville
Caldwell Jefferson Louisville
California Jefferson Louisville
Cambridge Jefferson Louisville
Cambridge Common Jefferson Louisville
Cambridge Village Jefferson Louisville
Camden Acres Oldham Crestwood
Camden Manor Oldham Crestwood
Camelot Jefferson Louisville
Camelot Estates Jefferson Louisville
Camp Branch Trail
Camp Taylor Jefferson Louisville
Candlelight Jefferson Louisville
Candlelight Jefferson Louisville
Candlewood Jefferson Louisville
Cannonshire Jefferson Louisville
Canter Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Canterbrook Farm Jefferson Louisville
Canterbury Glen Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Canterbury Place Jefferson Louisville
Canterfield Way Shelby Simpsonville
Cardinal Club Shelby Simpsonville
Cardinal Club Estates Shelby Simpsonville
Cardinal Court Jefferson Louisville
Cardinal Farm Shelby Simpsonville
Cardinal Harbour Oldham Prospect
Cardinal Hill Jefferson Louisville
Cardinal Hill Estates Jefferson Louisville
Cardinal Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Cardinal Oaks Shelby Simpsonville
Carol Acres Jefferson Louisville
Carol Fields Jefferson Louisville
Carol Fields Jefferson Louisville
Carolina Crossing Jefferson Louisville
Carriage Hill Oldham Crestwood
Carriage Hill Jefferson Louisville
Carrington Greene Jefferson Louisville
Carrington Park Jefferson Louisville
Casa Bella Jefferson Louisville
Casa Bendita Jefferson Louisville
Casa Granada Jefferson Louisville
Casa Grande Jefferson Louisville
Casa Landa Jefferson Louisville
Castle Vista Jefferson Louisville
Castleton Jefferson Louisville
Castlewood Jefferson Louisville
Catalpa Court Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Catalpa Springs Jefferson Louisville
Caven Village Jefferson Louisville
Cecil Avenue Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Brook Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Cove Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Creek Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Creek Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Dale Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Falls Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Cedar Glen Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Hills Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Lake Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Lake Park Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Lake Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Cedar Manor Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Place Bullitt Shepherdsville
Cedar Point Oldham La Grange
Cedar Ridge Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Cedar Springs Spencer Taylorsville
Cedar Springs Oldham La Grange
Cedar Springs Bullitt Lebanon Junction
Cedar Street Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Cedar Village Jefferson Louisville
Celebration Park Oldham Crestwood
Centerfield Heights Oldham Crestwood
Central Park Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Chadwell Farms Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Chamberlain Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Chamberlain Place Jefferson Louisville
Chamberlain Square Jefferson Louisville
Chapel View Oldham Crestwood
Chapel View Jefferson Louisville
Chariot Run Jefferson Louisville
Charlane Jefferson Louisville
Charlene Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Charlene Heights Jefferson Louisville
Charleston Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Charleston Way Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Charleswood Jefferson Louisville
Charleswood Forest Jefferson Louisville
Chateau Bohne Jefferson Louisville
Chateau Square Jefferson Louisville
Chatham Park Jefferson Louisville
Chelsea Green Jefferson Louisville
Chelsey Park Spencer Fisherville
Chenoweth Green Jefferson Louisville
Chenoweth Hills Jefferson Louisville
Chenoweth Park Estates Jefferson Louisville
Chenoweth Hills Place Jefferson Louisville
Chenoweth Run Jefferson Louisville
Cheri Village Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Acres Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Hills Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Park Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Park Neighborhoods
Cherokee Park Vista Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Triangle Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee View Jefferson Louisville
Cherokee Village Jefferson Louisville
Cherosen Hills Jefferson Louisville
Cherry Hill Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Cherry Hill Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Cherryann Village Jefferson Louisville
Cherrywood Place Oldham La Grange
Chesapeake Meadows Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Chester Villa Jefferson Louisville
Chester Villa Jefferson Louisville
Chester Villa Jefferson Louisville
Chesterfield Heights Jefferson Louisville
Chesterfield Heights Nelson Bardstown
Chestnut Glen Jefferson Louisville
Cheval Place Jefferson Louisville
Chevy Chase Jefferson Louisville
Chevy Chase Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Chicasaw Jefferson Louisville
Chieftain Ridge Jefferson Fairdale
Chism Trail Jefferson Louisville
Churchill Jefferson Louisville
Churchill Estates Jefferson Louisville
Churchill Add Jefferson Louisville
Cinderella Estate Jefferson Louisville
Cinderella Estate Jefferson Louisville
City of River Bluff Oldham Prospect
Clare Lane Jefferson Louisville
Claremore Acres Jefferson Louisville
Claremore Acres Jefferson Louisville
Clark Place Jefferson Louisville
Clarke Pointe Oldham Crestwood
Clarke Pointe Estates Oldham Crestwood
Clarke Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Clarkes Jefferson Louisville
Clay Village Jefferson Louisville
Claymont Springs Oldham Crestwood
Claymont Springs Oldham Crestwood
Clear View Trace Bullitt Shepherdsville
Clearview Acres Oldham La Grange
Clearview Acres Jefferson Louisville
Cliff View Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Cliffdale Jefferson Louisville
Cliffwood Jefferson Louisville
Cliffwood Jefferson Louisville
Clifton Jefferson Louisville
Clifton Heights Jefferson Louisville
Clifton Historic Jefferson Louisville
Clifton/Irish Hill Jefferson Louisville
Clifton Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Clore Crest Oldham Crestwood
Cloverbrook Farms Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Clovercroft Oldham Pewee Valley
Cloverland Farms Jefferson Louisville
Cloverleaf Jefferson Louisville
Cloverleaf Acres Jefferson Louisville
Cloverleaf Hills Jefferson Louisville
Coach Gate Jefferson Louisville
Cobblestone Jefferson Louisville
Cochran Farms Spencer Taylorsville
Cochran Hill Spencer Taylorsville
Cochran Hill Jefferson Louisville
Cochran Hill Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Colchester Place Spencer Taylorsville
Cold Springs Jefferson Anchorage
Cold Springs Bullitt Shepherdsville
Coldstream Jefferson Louisville
Cole Acres Jefferson Louisville
Cole Springs Farm Oldham Crestwood
Colonial Aire Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Colonial Hill Manor Jefferson Louisville
Colonial Park Jefferson Louisville
Colonial Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Colonial Village Jefferson Louisville
Comfort Place Jefferson Louisville
Commanche Village Jefferson Louisville
Commons Arbor Creek Jefferson Louisville
Commons at Moss Creek Jefferson Louisville
Commons of Westport Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Confederate Acres Oldham Pewee Valley
Confederate Acres Jefferson Louisville
Confederate Estates Oldham Pewee Valley
Constantine Farms Oldham Prospect
Constantine Glen Oldham Prospect
Cooper Chase Jefferson Louisville
Cooper Farms Jefferson Louisville
Cooper Farms Jefferson Louisville
Coopers Addition Jefferson Louisville
Copper Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Copperfield Jefferson Louisville
Coppershire Jefferson Louisville
Cornell Village Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Coronet Village Jefferson Louisville
Correll Place Jefferson Louisville
Cottages at Meadow View Jefferson Louisville
Cottages at Westport Jefferson Louisville
Cottages of Arbor Creek Jefferson Louisville
Cottages of Crestwood Oldham Crestwood
Cottonwood Condos Jefferson Louisville
Cottonwood Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Country Air Estates Jefferson Louisville
Country Estates Jefferson Louisville
Country Manor Bullitt Shepherdsville
Country Manor Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Country Manor Farms Bullitt Shepherdsville
Country Trace Bullitt Taylorsville
Country Village Oldham Crestwood
Countryside Oldham Prospect
Countryside Hardin
Courtyards of Brownsboro Jefferson Louisville
Courtyards of St. Matthews Jefferson Louisville
Coventry Place Jefferson Louisville
Covered Bridge Crossing Oldham Prospect
Covered Bridge Farms Oldham Prospect
Craigs Creek Jefferson Louisville
Creek View Estates Jefferson Louisville
Creekside Jefferson Louisville
Creekside Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Creekside Village Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Creekview Jefferson Louisville
Creekview Bullitt Shepherdsville
Creekwood Jefferson Louisville
Creekwood Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Creekwood Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Crescent Centre Jefferson Louisville
Crescent Crossing Jefferson Louisville
Crescent Hill Jefferson Louisville
Crescent Hill Royale Jefferson Louisville
Crescent Springs Jefferson Louisville
Crestmoor Jefferson Louisville
Crestview Terrace Oldham Crestwood
Crestwood Gardens Crestwood
Crestwood Subdivisions
Crimson Lake Jefferson Louisville
Croftboro Farms Oldham Crestwood
Cross Hill Jefferson Louisville
Cross Keys Shores Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Crosscreeke Jefferson Louisville
Crossgate Jefferson Louisville
Crossings Cooper Chapel Jefferson Louisville
Crossmoor Jefferson Louisville
Crossroads Spencer Taylorsville
Crumbacker Estate Bullitt Shepherdsville
Crystal Lake Oldham La Grange
Crystal Valley Estates Jefferson Louisville
Crystal Waters Jefferson Louisville
Cynthia Heights Jefferson Louisville
Cypress Station Jefferson Louisville
Dale Place Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Danforth Farms Jefferson Louisville
Darby Pointe Oldham Buckner
Darnell Manor Jefferson Louisville
Dartmouth Jefferson Louisville
Dawson Hill Estate Bullitt Louisville
De Nada Gates Jefferson Louisville
Dearborn Jefferson Louisville
Deepwood Jefferson Louisville
Deepwood Farm Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Deer Creek Jefferson Jeffersontown
Deer Park Jefferson Louisville
Deer Run Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Deer Run Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Deer Trace Estates Jefferson Louisville
Dell Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Dell Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Delmar Dawson Bullitt Shepherdsville
Derbyshire Estates Jefferson Fisherville
Devereaux Jefferson Louisville
Devondale Jefferson Louisville
Diplomat Arms Jefferson Louisville
Dixie Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Dogwood Run Bullitt Shepherdsville
Dogwood Trace Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Donard Park Jefferson Louisville
Dora Dale Jefferson Louisville
Dorsey Hills Jefferson Louisville
Dorsey Pointe Townhomes Jefferson Louisville
Dorsey Station Jefferson Louisville
Dorsey Village Jefferson Louisville
Douglass Hills Jefferson Louisville
Douglass Hills Estates Jefferson Louisville
Douglass Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Douglass Woods Jefferson Louisville
Dove Fields Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Dove Point Jefferson Louisville
Dover Brook Jefferson Louisville
Druid Hills Jefferson Louisville
Dukers Addition Jefferson Louisville
Dulworth Jefferson Louisville
Dunbar Springs Jefferson Fisherville
Duncan Oaks Oldham La Grange
Dundee Estates Jefferson Louisville
Dundee Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Durrett Jefferson Louisville
Dyer Jefferson Louisville
Eagle Bluff Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Eagle Creek Jefferson Louisville
Eagle Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Eagles Cove Jefferson Louisville
Eagles Crest Jefferson Louisville
Eagles Landing Oldham La Grange
Earlywyne Plantation Spencer Taylorsville
East Hampton Jefferson Louisville
East Iroquois Jefferson Louisville
East Market Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Eastgate Village Jefferson Louisville
Eastleigh Jefferson Louisville
Eastview Bullitt Shepherdsville
Eastview Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Eastview Jefferson Louisville
Eastview Jefferson Louisville
Echo Valley Oldham La Grange
Echo Valley Farms Oldham La Grange
Eden Ridge Spencer Mt Eden
Edge at Liberty Green Jefferson Louisville
Edgecliff Jefferson Louisville
Edgehill Jefferson Louisville
Edgehill Jefferson Louisville
Edgewater Resort Spencer Taylorsville
Edgewood Manor Jefferson Louisville
Edwinas Jefferson Louisville
El Conquistador Jefferson Louisville
Elk Chase Spencer Taylorsville
Elk Creek Farms Spencer Taylorsville
Elk Creek Ridge Spencer Taylorsville
Elliott Standiford Farm Jefferson Louisville
Elmcrest Nelson Bardstown
Elmcroft Jefferson Louisville
Elysian Fields Jefferson Louisville
Emily Brooke Bullitt Shepherdsville
Enclave at Glen Lakes Jefferson Louisville
English Mill Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
English Village Jefferson Louisville
Equestrian Lakes Shelby Finchville
Equinox Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Equinox Jefferson MT WASHINGTON
Estate Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Estates of Bradbe Forest Jefferson Fisherville
Estates of Hunting Creek Jefferson Prospect
Estates of Hunting Creek Oldham Prospect
Estates of Locust Grove Jefferson Louisville
Estates of Saratoga Woods Jefferson Louisville
Everett Place Jefferson Louisville
Everett Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Evergreen Manor Jefferson Louisville
Evergreen Point Jefferson Louisville
Evers House Jefferson Louisville
Ewing Jefferson Louisville
Ewing Place Jefferson Louisville
Fair Acres Jefferson Louisville
Fairdale Jefferson Louisville
Fairfax Square Jefferson Louisville
Fairfield Meadow Jefferson Louisville
Fairlawn Nelson Bardstown
Fairlawn Jefferson Louisville
Fairmeade Jefferson Louisville
Fairview Jefferson Louisville
Fairview Bullitt Shepherdsville
Fairview Addition Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Fairway Acres Jefferson Louisville
Fairway Crossing Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Falcon Crest Jefferson Louisville
Falcon Ridge Oldham La Grange
Falls Creek Jefferson Louisville
Farman Acres Jefferson Louisville
Farmdale Jefferson Louisville
Farmington Meadows Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Farmgate Jefferson Louisville
Farmgate Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Farmgate Springs Jefferson Louisville
Fawn Lakes Jefferson Louisville
Fegenbush Meadow Jefferson Louisville
Fegenbush Place Jefferson Louisville
Fendley Mill Park Oldham La Grange
Fern Creek Jefferson Louisville
Fern Creek Jefferson Louisville
Fern Hill Jefferson Louisville
Fern Lea oldham Westport
Fern Lea Jefferson Louisville
Fern Valley Place Jefferson Louisville
Ferncreek Acres Jefferson Louisville
Ferndale Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Fernhaven Jefferson Louisville
Fernwood Jefferson Louisville
Fernwood Acres Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Fernwood Village Jefferson Louisville
Feyhurst Jefferson Louisville
Feys Creek Place Jefferson Louisville
Feys Place Jefferson Louisville
Fible Farms oldham crestwood
Fieldstone Acres Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Fifth Street Terraces Jefferson Louisville
Fincastle Jefferson Louisville
Fincastle Beach Jefferson Louisville
Fincastle Village Jefferson Louisville
Fisherville Woods Jefferson Fisherville
Flatrock Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Fleur De Lis Jefferson Louisville
Floyds Fork Estate Bullitt Shepherdsville
Floydsburg Acres oldham crestwood
Fontaine Place Jefferson Louisville
Forest Green Jefferson Louisville
Forest Hill Jefferson Louisville
Forest Hill Jefferson Louisville
Forest Hill Bullitt Shepherdsville
Forest Hill Spencer Taylorsville
Forest Hill Park Bullitt Shepherdsville
Forest Hill Park Jefferson middletown
Forest Nook Jefferson Louisville
Forest Park Condominiums
Forest Retreat Jefferson Louisville
Forest Ridge Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Forest Springs Jefferson Louisville
Forest Springs Jefferson Louisville
Forest Village Jefferson Louisville
Fountain Woods Jefferson Louisville
Four Seasons Jefferson Louisville
Four Seasons Jefferson Louisville
Fox Chase Bullitt Shepherdsville
Fox Harbor Jefferson Louisville
Fox Hollow Jefferson Louisville
Fox Lair Spencer Fisherville
Fox Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Fox Ridge Estates Jefferson Louisville
Fox Run Jefferson Louisville
Fox Run Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Fox Trail oldham La Grange
Foxboro oldham La Grange
Foxboro Manor Jefferson Louisville
Foxborough Estates Jefferson Louisville
Foxgate Jefferson Louisville
Foxwood Estates oldham crestwood
Foxwood Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Frank Young Division Spencer taylorsville
Frankfort Place Spencer taylorsville
Frazier Acres Bullitt Shepherdsville
Fred W Fust Jefferson Louisville
Frederick Acres Jefferson Louisville
Friendly Hills Jefferson Louisville
Gainsborough Jefferson Louisville
Garden Acres Jefferson Louisville
Garden Acres Jefferson Louisville
Garden Court Jefferson Louisville
Garden Court Jefferson Louisville
Garden Court Shelby Simpsonville
Garden Heights Jefferson Louisville
Garden of Eden Jefferson Louisville
Garden Park Jefferson Louisville
Garden Park Nelson Bardstown
Gardens at Claymont Springs oldham crestwood
Gardens at Dorsey Jefferson Louisville
Gardens of Fern Creek Jefferson Louisville
Gardens of Glenmary Jefferson Louisville
Gardens of Hunters Ridge oldham Prospect
Gardens of Monticello Jefferson Louisville
Gardens of Station Pointe Shelby Simpsonville
Gardens of Valley View Jefferson Louisville
Gardiner Lake Jefferson Louisville
Gardiner Park Jefferson Louisville
Gardiners Preston Park Jefferson Louisville
Garrene Village Jefferson Louisville
Garrsdale Jefferson Louisville
Gaslight Estates Jefferson Louisville
Gaslight Square Jefferson Louisville
Gatewood Jefferson Louisville
Genenwein Jefferson Louisville
Gentry Crossings Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
George Rogers Clark Jefferson Louisville
George Rogers Clark Jefferson Louisville
Gerings Jefferson Louisville
Germantown Jefferson Louisville
Gibson Acres Jefferson Louisville
Gilmore Jefferson Louisville
Glassworks Lofts II Jefferson Louisville
Glen Coe Jefferson Louisville
Glen Hill Manor Jefferson Louisville
Glen Lakes Jefferson Louisville
Glen Meade Jefferson Louisville
Glen Oaks oldham Prospect
Glen Rose Estate Jefferson Louisville
Glenafton Jefferson Louisville
Glenda Lynn Jefferson Louisville
Gleneagles Estates oldham La Grange
Glengarry Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary East Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Estates Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Estates Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Place Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Springs Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Springs Jefferson Louisville
Glenmary Village Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Acres Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Bulff Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Heights Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Hills Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Landing Jefferson Prospect
Glenview Manor Jefferson Louisville
Glenview Springs Jefferson Louisville
Glenwood Jefferson Louisville
Glenwood Jefferson Louisville
Glenworth Jefferson Louisville
Globe Jefferson Louisville
Goebel Crossings Spencer Fisherville
Goins Manor Jefferson Louisville
Golden Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Golf Course Communities Jefferson Louisville
Goose Creek Jefferson Louisville
Goshen oldham GOSHEN
Goshen Hills oldham GOSHEN
Goshen Woods oldham GOSHEN
City Of Goshen oldham GOSHEN
Graceland Shelby Finchville
Grafton Place Jefferson Louisville
Grand Acres Jefferson Louisville
Grand Dell oldham crestwood
Grand Lakes Jefferson Louisville
Grand Oak Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Grand Oaks Bullitt Shepherdsville
Grand Oaks oldham crestwood
Grand Villa oldham Buckner
Grandel Farms Jefferson Louisville
Grandview Jefferson Louisville
Grandview Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Grandview Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Graves End Jefferson Louisville
Graymoor Devondale Jefferson Louisville
Graymoor Place Jefferson Louisville
Graystone Manor Jefferson Louisville
Green Acres Jefferson Anchorage
Green Acres Jefferson Louisville
Green Acres Nelson Bardstown
Green Acres Bullitt Shepherdsville
Green Hills Jefferson Louisville
Green Lea Acres Jefferson Louisville
Green Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Green Ridge Manor Jefferson Louisville
Green Spring Jefferson Louisville
Green Valley Jefferson Louisville
Greenbriar Jefferson Louisville
Greenbriar Farms oldham La Grange
Greenbriar Woods Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Greenfield Jefferson Louisville
Greenfield Park Jefferson Louisville
Greenhurst Jefferson Louisville
Greenland Park Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Greenleaves Jefferson Louisville
Greenridge Estates Jefferson Louisville
Greens at Long Run Park Jefferson Louisville
Greenwillow Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Acres Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Common oldham La Grange
Greenwood Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Place Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Villa Jefferson Louisville
Greenwood Village Jefferson Louisville
Grenden Fields Jefferson Louisville
Grey Hawk Jefferson Louisville
Grey Ledge Jefferson Louisville
Grey Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Grey Oaks Estates Jefferson Louisville
Greystone Jefferson Louisville
Guilford Jefferson Louisville
Guist Creek Ridge Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Haldeman Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Hallmark Estates Jefferson Louisville
Hallsdale Acres Jefferson Louisville
Hampton Farms oldham La Grange
Hancock Farms Shelby Finchville
Hancock St Firehouse Jefferson Louisville
Harbortown Jefferson Prospect
Hardesty Estates Spencer Fisherville
Hardin County Homes
Hardwood Forest Jefferson Louisville
Hardy Place Jefferson Louisville
Harmony Acres Jefferson Louisville
Harmony Lake oldham GOSHEN
Harmony Landing oldham GOSHEN
Harmony Place Jefferson Louisville
Harmony Village oldham Prospect
Harris Jefferson Louisville
Harrods Creek Estates Jefferson Louisville
Harrods Creek Overlook Jefferson Prospect
Harrods Creek Subdivisions
Harrods Crossing oldham crestwood
Harrods Glen Jefferson Prospect
Harrods Landing Jefferson Prospect
Hartlage Farm Jefferson Louisville
Havalock Jefferson Louisville
Hawthorne Highlands Jefferson Louisville
Hawthorne Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Hayfield Jefferson Louisville
Hazel Heights Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Hazeldawn Jefferson Louisville
Hazelwood Jefferson Louisville
Heather Green oldham La Grange
Heatherfields Jefferson Louisville
Heaven Estates Jefferson Louisville
Heavenly Heights Jefferson Louisville
Hebron Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Hebron Woods Bullitt Shepherdsville
Helmwood Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Henry Clay Condominiums Jefferson Louisville
Henry Veech Farms Shelby Finchville
Hensley Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Heritage Creek Jefferson Louisville
Heritage Estates Jefferson Louisville
Heritage Hills Nelson Bardstown
Heritage Hills Bullitt Shepherdsville
Heritage Hills Spencer Taylorsville
Heritage Hills oldham crestwood
Heritage Manor oldham crestwood
Heritage Place oldham crestwood
Heritage Village Jefferson Louisville
Herman Depholzs Jefferson Louisville
Hi Point Village Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Hiawatha Jefferson Louisville
Hickory Hill Jefferson Louisville
Hickory Hollow Jefferson Louisville
Hickory Square Jefferson Louisville
Hickory Trace Jefferson Louisville
Hickory Woods Spencer Taylorsville
Hidden Creek oldham Prospect
Hidden Creek Spencer Taylorsville
Hidden Creek Jefferson Louisville
Hidden Creek Woods Shelby Simpsonville
Hidden Falls oldham Prospect
High Meadows Bullitt Shepherdsville
Highbaugh Jefferson Louisville
Highfern Crossings Jefferson Louisville
Highgate Springs Jefferson Louisville
Highgrove oldham crestwood
Highgrove Jefferson Louisville
Highland Beeches Jefferson Louisville
Highland Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Highland Heights Jefferson Louisville
Highland Heights Jefferson Louisville
Highland Hills Jefferson Louisville
Highland Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Highland Meadows Bullitt Shepherdsville
Highland Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Highland Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Highland Meadows Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Highland Park Jefferson Louisville
Highland Park Jefferson Louisville
Highland Park Shelby PLEASUREVILLE
Highland Springs Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Highland Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Highlands Jefferson Louisville
Highlands Castle Jefferson Louisville
Highlands Homes
Highlands of Summersfield Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Highpoint Village Jefferson Louisville
Highview Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Highview Estates Jefferson Louisville
Highview Estates Jefferson Louisville
Highview Park Jefferson Louisville
Highwood Jefferson Louisville
Hikes Point Jefferson Louisville
Hill N Dale Jefferson Louisville
Hill N Dale Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Hillbrook Farms Bullitt Brooks
Hillcrest oldham Prospect
Hillcrest Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Hillcrest Jefferson Louisville
Hillridge Jefferson Louisville
Hills and Dales Jefferson Louisville
Hills of Beckley Station Jefferson Louisville
Hillsborough Spencer Taylorsville
Hillsborough Jefferson Louisville
Hillsborough Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Hillside Terrace Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Hillview Jefferson Louisville
Hillview Bullitt Louisville
Hillview Estates Jefferson Louisville
Hillwood Jefferson Louisville
Hite Ave Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Hobbs Jefferson Louisville
Holiday Hills Jefferson Louisville
Hollow Creek Jefferson Louisville
Hollow Hills Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Holly Hills Jefferson Louisville
Holly House Jefferson Louisville
Holly Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Holly Springs Jefferson Louisville
Holly Villa Jefferson Faridale
Homelawn Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Houston Acres Jefferson Louisville
HOWARD MYERS Bullitt Brooks
Huckleberry Hill oldham GOSHEN
Hudson Creek Jefferson Louisville
Hudson Lake Estates Jefferson Louisville
Hughes Jefferson Louisville
Hughes/Norris Jefferson Louisville
Hunsinger Place Jefferson Louisville
Hunt Country Estates Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Creek Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Crossing Spencer Taylorsville
Hunters Hill Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Hollow Bullitt louisville
Hunters Park Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Pointe Estates Shelby Simpsonville
Hunters Ridge Nelson Bardstown
Hunters Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Hunters Village Jefferson Louisville
Hunting Creek Jefferson Prospect
Hunting Hills (Condos) oldham Prospect
Hunting Hills Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Hurstbourne Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Acres Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Estate Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Heights Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Springs Jefferson Louisville
Hurstbourne Woods Jefferson Louisville
Idle Hour Jefferson Louisville
Idlewood Jefferson Louisville
Idlewylde Jefferson Louisville
Indian Bluff Jefferson Louisville
Indian Creek Jefferson Louisville
Indian Falls Jefferson Louisville
Indian Forest Jefferson Louisville
Indian Hills Jefferson Louisville
Indian Hills Village Jefferson Louisville
Indian Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Indian Springs Jefferson Louisville
Indian Springs Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Indian Springs Jefferson Louisville
Indian Trail Jefferson Louisville
Indian Woods Jefferson Louisville
Industrial Park Jefferson Louisville
Innisbrook Estates Jefferson Prospect
Innwood Jefferson Louisville
Inverness Jefferson Louisville
Inverness Of Hurstburne Jefferson Louisville
Irish Hill Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Estates Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Forest Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Heights Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Hills Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois North Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Park Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Park Estates Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Plaza Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois View Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Village Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois Vista Jefferson Louisville
Iroquois West Jefferson Louisville
Ivy Hill Jefferson Louisville
Ivy Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Jacobs Jefferson Louisville
James Taylor Village Jefferson Prospect
Jefferson County Jefferson Louisville
Jefferson Crossings Jefferson Louisville
Jefferson Meadow Jefferson Louisville
Jefferson Orchard Jefferson Louisville
Jefferson Square oldham La Grange
Jefferson Trace Jefferson Louisville
Jeffersontown Homes Jefferson Louisville
Johnson Green Jefferson Louisville
Joyce Jefferson Louisville
Julie Kay Manor Jefferson Louisville
Juniper Beach Jefferson Prospect
Kaelins Jefferson Louisville
Kamer Place oldham La Grange
Keeling Park Jefferson Louisville
Keeling Place Jefferson Louisville
Keeneland Jefferson Louisville
Kellerman Place Jefferson Louisville
Kellsberry Acres Jefferson Louisville
Kellwood Jefferson Louisville
Ken Acres Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Ken Carla Jefferson Louisville
Kenbar Jefferson Louisville
Kenbrook Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Kenilworth Jefferson Louisville
Kenilworth Heights Jefferson Louisville
Kennington Jefferson Louisville
Kenoak Jefferson Louisville
Kensington Place Jefferson Louisville
Kentucky Acres oldham Crestwood
Kenwood Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Circle Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Estates Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Heights Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Hills Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Park Jefferson Louisville
Kenwood Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Kings Village Jefferson Louisville
Kingsley Jefferson Louisville
Kingswood Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Kingswood Jefferson Louisville
Kirby Estates Jefferson Louisville
Klondike Acres Jefferson Louisville
Klondike Manor Jefferson Louisville
Knapp Meadows Bullitt Taylorsville
Knob Acres Bullitt Brooks/shepardsville
Korfhage Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Kort Springs Jefferson Louisville
Kosair Jefferson Louisville
L'Esprit oldham La Grange
Lafayette Manor Jefferson Louisville
LaGrange Acres oldham La Grange
LaGrange Villas oldham La Grange
LaGrange, Kentucky
Lake Columbia Estates Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lake Dreamland Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Estates Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Highlands Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Legacy Jefferson Louisville
Lake Forest Subdivisions
Lake of the Woods Jefferson Louisville
Lake Pointe oldham Crestwood
Lake View at Polo Fields Jefferson Louisville
Lake View at Polo Fields Jefferson Louisville
Lake Village Jefferson Louisville
Lakes of Dogwood Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lakeside Jefferson Louisville
Lakeside oldham La Grange
Lakeview Jefferson Louisville
Lakeview Acres Jefferson Louisville
Lakeview At Polo Fields Jefferson Louisville
Lakeview Condominiums Jefferson Louisville
Lakeview East Jefferson Louisville
Lakeview Estates oldham GOSHEN
Lakewood Valley oldham Crestwood
Lancashire Jefferson Louisville
Lancashire Place Jefferson Louisville
Lancaster Manor Jefferson Louisville
Landherr Estates Jefferson Louisville
Landis Lakes Jefferson Louisville
Landis Springs Jefferson Louisville
Langdon Place Jefferson Louisville
Larkgrove Jefferson Louisville
Larkwood Jefferson Louisville
Lasalle Place Jefferson Louisville
Lauderdale Jefferson Louisville
Laurel Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Lauren Woods Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Lawnview Jefferson Louisville
Lazy Creek Jefferson Prospect
Lazy River Estates Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lea Estates Jefferson Louisville
Lea Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Ledgerock Cove Jefferson Louisville
Ledgewood Jefferson Louisville
Leemont Acres Jefferson Louisville
Lees Acres Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lejobet Jefferson Jeffersontown
Lencott Jefferson Louisville
Lenox Jefferson Louisville
Lexington Manor Jefferson Louisville
Liberty Trace oldham Skyilght
Lickskillet Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lickskillet Farm Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Lime Kiln Manor Jefferson Louisville
Limerick Jefferson Louisville
Lin Meadows Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Lincoln Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Lincolnola Jefferson Louisville
Lincolnshire Jefferson Louisville
Lindell Jefferson Louisville
Linwood oldham Crestwood
Linwood oldham La Grange
Little Hills Jefferson Anchorage
Little Mount Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Little Spring Farm Jefferson Louisville
Lloydsboro oldham Pewee Valley
Lochshire Jefferson Louisville
Lockwood Estates oldham crestwood
Locust Creek Jefferson Louisville
Locust Grove Farms Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Locust Hill Jefferson Louisville
Locust Run oldham Crestwood
Lodge 820 on the Avenue Jefferson Louisville
Lone Acres Jefferson Louisville
Lone Oaks Jefferson Louisville
Lone Oaks Shelby Simpsonville
Long Run Farms Jefferson Louisville
Long Run Farms Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Long Run Woods Shelby Louisville
Longfield Place Jefferson Louisville
Longview Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Longwood oldham GOSHEN
Loretta Jefferson Louisville
Lotus Pointe Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Louise Way Condominiums
Louisville Condominiums
Louisville Homes
Louisville's East End
Lukens Jefferson Louisville
Lukens Jefferson Louisville
Lukins Jefferson Louisville
Lyndon Jefferson Louisville
Lyndon Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Lyndon Lakes Jefferson Louisville
Lyndonwoods Jefferson Louisville
Lynn Grey Jefferson Louisville
Lynn Lea Jefferson Louisville
Lynnco Vista Jefferson Louisville
Lynnhurst Park Jefferson Louisville
Lynnview Jefferson Louisville
Lynnwood Jefferson Louisville
Lynnwood Village Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Macbrae Village Jefferson Louisville
Madison Park oldham Crestwood
Magnolia Place Jefferson Jeffersontown
Magnolia Place oldham Crestwood
Magnolia Place Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Magnolia Ridge Jefferson Louisville
Mahoney Acres Jefferson Louisville
Majestic Acres Bullitt Louisville
Majestic Oaks oldham La Grange
Majestic Woods oldham La Grange
Mallard Lake Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Mallard Pointe Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Manner Pointe Jefferson Louisville
Manor Creek Jefferson Louisville
Manorview Jefferson Louisville
Mansard House Jefferson Louisville
Mansfield Estates Jefferson Louisville
Manslick Heights Jefferson Louisville
Maple Creek Jefferson Louisville
Maple Grove Jefferson Louisville
Maple Grove Farm oldham La Grange
Maple Heights Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Maple Place Jefferson Louisville
Mapleview Manor Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Marbrook Estates Shelby Finchville
Marie Anna Jefferson Louisville
Marilyn Heights Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Marlowe Place Jefferson Louisville
Marshall Manor Jefferson Louisville
Martinsville Jefferson Louisville
Maryhill Estates Jefferson Louisville
Maryland Manor Jefferson Louisville
Maryman Acres Jefferson Louisville
Maryman Manor Jefferson Louisville
Maryville Bullitt Hillview/Louisville
Masden Acres Bullitt SHELBYVILLE
Mayfield Farms oldham Crestwood
Maywood Nelson Bardstown
Maywood Jefferson Louisville
Mcalisters Preston Jefferson Louisville
McCoy Manor Jefferson Louisville
McDowell Farm Shelby Simpsonville
McIntosh Farms Spencer Taylorsville
McMahan Village Jefferson Louisville
McNeely Lake Jefferson Louisville
Meadow Brook Estates Jefferson Louisville
Meadow Brook Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Meadow Brook Estates oldham La Grange
Meadow Brook Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Meadow Creek Jefferson Louisville
Meadow Creek oldham Crestwood
Meadow Creek Bullitt Shepherdsville
Meadow Glen Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Meadow Green Jefferson Louisville
Meadow Hill Jefferson Louisville
Meadow Peak Bullitt Shepherdsville
Meadow Run Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Meadow Vale Jefferson Louisville
Meadowbrook Bullitt Shepherdsville
Meadowbrook Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Meadowbrook Farm Jefferson Louisville
Meadowgate Jefferson Louisville
Meadowlake Estates Spencer Taylorsville
Meadowlark Manor Jefferson Louisville
Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Meadows at Polo Fields Jefferson Louisville
Meadows of Cedar Grove Bullitt Shepherdsville
Meadowview Estates Jefferson Louisville
Meadowview Of The Polo Fields Jefferson Louisville
Melbourne Heights Jefferson Louisville
Melbourne Heights Jefferson Louisville
Melody Manor Jefferson Louisville
Melrose and Flagler Jefferson Louisville
Memory Place Jefferson Louisville
Mercantile Lofts Jefferson Louisville
Meremont Jefferson Louisville
Meridale Jefferson Louisville
Merlyn Acres Jefferson Louisville
Merriwether & Davison Jefferson Louisville
Middledale Jefferson Louisville
Middleton Heights Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Middletow Jefferson Louisville
Middletown Pro Jefferson Louisville
Middletown Villas Jefferson Louisville
Midland Estates Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Midland Meadows Jefferson Louisville
Midland Park Jefferson Louisville
Midlane Park Jefferson Louisville
Miles Park Jefferson Louisville
Mill Creek Jefferson Louisville
Mill Stream Jefferson Louisville
Mill Stream Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
Mill Stream Bullitt Shepherdsville
Miller Heights Bullitt Shepherdsville
Millers Crossing Bullitt Shepherdsville
Millet Estates Bullitt Shepherdsville
MLS Area 0 - Central Downtown
MLS Area 1 - Downtown, Old & West Louisville, Shively
MLS Area 2 - Butchertown, Highlands, Germantown
MLS Area 3 - Brownsboro Road, Crescent Hill, St. Matthews
MLS Area 4 - Pleasure Ridge Park, Valley Station
MLS Area 5 - Auburndale, Fairdale, Iroquois Park
MLS Area 6 - Buechel, Highview, Okolona, Fern Creek
Mockingbird Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Mockingbird Gardens Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Hill Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Hills Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Mockingbird Hills Estates Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Mockingbird Terrace Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Valley Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Valley Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Valley Green Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Valley River Bluff Jefferson Louisville
Mockingbird Valley Villas Jefferson Louisville
Model Jefferson Louisville
Montana Place Jefferson Louisville
Montclair Shelby Simpsonville
Montclair Villa Jefferson Louisville
Monterey Jefferson Louisville
Monterey Villa Jefferson Louisville
Monticello Forest Jefferson Louisville
Monticello Parke Jefferson Louisville
Monticello Place Jefferson Louisville
Morgan Place oldham La Grange
Morningside Heights Jefferson Louisville
Morris Farm Jefferson Louisville
Moser Farms oldham Louisville
Mound View Jefferson Louisville
Mound View Park Jefferson Louisville
Mount View Jefferson Louisville
Mt. Washington Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Mulberry Heights Shelby SHELBYVILLE
Murray Heights Jefferson Louisville
Murray Hill Jefferson Louisville
Nachand Springs Jefferson Louisville
National Heights Jefferson Louisville
Nature Cove Bullitt MT WASHINGTON
Nelson County Homes
Netherwood Jefferson Louisville
Nevel Meade Estates oldham Prospect
New Broadmoor Jefferson Louisville
Nichols Meadow Jefferson Louisville
Nichols Village Jefferson Louisville
Nicholson Jefferson Louisville
Nitta Yuma Jefferson HARRODS CREEK
Norbourne Estates Jefferson Louisville
Norfolk Estates Jefferson Louisville
Normandy Station Spencer Taylorsville
Norris Place Jefferson Louisville
North Audubon Jefferson Louisville
North Country Shelby SHELBYVILLE
North Dixie Jefferson Louisville
North Ridge Farms oldham Crestwood
Northernberg Jefferson Louisville
Northfield Jefferson Louisville
Northpoint Spencer Taylorsville
Northwood oldham Crestwood
Norton Commons Jefferson Prospect
Norwood Place Jefferson Louisville
Notting Hill Jefferson Louisville
Nottingham Hills Jefferson Louisville
Nutwood Jefferson Louisville
Oak Grove
Oak Grove Farms
Oak Grove Manor
Oak Hill
Oak Lea
Oak Park
Oak Park Acres
Oak Pointe Estates
Oak Valley
Oakland Hills
Oaklawn Estates
Oakmoor Woods Estates
Okolona Subdivisions
Old Anita Springs
Old Brownsboro Garden
Old Dominion
Old Dorsey Place
Old Fairground Woods
Old Harrods Wood
Old Heady
Old Henry Place
Old Kentucky Home
Old Louisville
Old Mill Manor
Old Mill Village
Old South Acres
Old South Plantation
Old Spring House Farms
Old Stone Farms
Old Taylor Place
Old Vineyard Place
Oldham Acres
Oldham County Condominiums
Oldham County Homes
Oldham Hills
Oldham Woods
Oliver Station
Orchard Brook Estates
Orchard Crossing
Orchard Grass Hills
Orchard Lakes
Orchard Park
Orchards of Applegate
Orchards of Plum Creek
Orell Station
Organ Creek Farm
Original Highlands
Ormsby Place
Osprey Cove
Overbrook Bend
Overlook at Floyds Fork
Overlook at Persimmon Ridge
Overlook Covered Bridge
Owl Cove Estates
Owl Creek
Oxford Woods
Oxmoor Manor
Oxmoor Woods
Paddock Acres
Palmer Addition
Paradise Acres
Paramont Estates
Parie City
Park Arms
Park Duvalle
Park Forest
Park Hill
Park IV
Park Lake Estate
Park Lake Village
Park Place
Park Place Lofts
Parkridge Condos
Parkridge Place
Parkridge Woods
Parks of Polo Fields
Parkway East
Parkway Plaza
Parkway Terrace
Parkway Village
Parkwood Villas
Partridge Run
Patio Homes
Pavilion Park
Peaceful Valley
Pear Orchard
Pebble Brook
Peddlers Run
Peerless Court
Penn Run Estates
Persimmon Ridge
Petersburg Estates
Peterson Farms
Peterson Place
Pewee Valley
Phoenix Hill
Pierce Acres
Pin Oak
Pine Creek Forest
Pine Meadows
Pine Trace
Pine Valley Estates
Pinehurst Green
Pinnacle Gardens
Pinnacle Place
Pioneer Acres
Pioneer Village
Plaza De Oro
Plaza on St. James
Pleasant Grove
Pleasant Hill Farms
Pleasant Point
Pleasant Valley
Pleasant View
Pleasure Manor
Pleasure Ridge Park
Pleasure Ridge Pointe
Plum Valley Farms
Polo Fields
Pond Creek
Poplar Hill
Poplar Manor
Poplar Woods Estates
Prairie Village
Premier Estates
Prestige Estates
Prestige Heights
Preston Crossings
Preston Park
Preston Pointe
Prestwick Estates
Primrose Meadows
Promenade Court
Prospect Glen
Prospect Homes
Quail Run
Quindero Run
Raintree Meadows
Raizor Farm
Red Bud Hill
Red Stone Hill
Regal Heights
Regency Three
Regency Tower
Regency Woods
Regency Woods Estates
Renaissance Lofts
Renaissance St. Andrews
Reserve at L'Esprit
Reserve on Rose Island
Reserves of Bethel Branch
Reserves Of Mallard Lake
Reserves of Todd Station
Reservoir Park
Reynolds Lofts
Ridge Woods Farms
Ridgehurst Place
Ridgeview Place
Ridgeway Square
Riedlonn Condos
Ripple Creek
River Bluff
River Cliff Estates
River Creek Estates
River Forest
River Glades
River Glen
River Heights
River Knolls
River Oaks
River Park
River Pointe
River Ridge
River Valley Estates
Rivers Edge
Rivers End
Rivers Landing
Riverside Gardens
Riviera Park
Robinhill Estate
Rock Creek
Rock Hills
Rock Springs
Rockbridge Farms
Rockford Estates
Rockford Heights
Rockford View
Roggenkamp Place
Rolling Acres
Rolling Fields
Rolling Hills
Rolling Meadows
Rolling Ridge
Rollington Acres
Ronnie Layne Estates
Rose Island Riverside
Rose Wycombe
Rosehill Farm
Rosemont Park
Royal Ambassador
Royal Coach
Royal Oaks
Rudy Acres
Rustic Hill
Rustic Village
Saguaro Village
Saint Andrews Village
Saint Dennis
Saint Thomas Moore
Salem Square
Sanctuary Bluff
Sanctuary Condo
Saratoga Springs
Saratoga Woods
Saratoga Woods Estates
Savannah Row
Savannah Springs
Sawyer Place
Seaton Place
Seaton Springs
Seminary Woods
Seneca Gardens
Seneca Village
Seneca Vista
Serene Meadows
Settlers Gap
Settlers Point
Settlers Trace
Seven Oaks
Shacklette Acres
Shadow Brook Farms
Shadow Creek
Shadow Wood
Shady Lawn
Shady Villa
Shaffer Farms
Shakeland Farms
Shaker Farms
Shakes Run
Shallow Creek
Shamrock Hills
Shawnee Acres
Shawnee Park
Shawnee Place
Shawnee Springs
Shawnee Terrace
Sheffield Manor
Shelby County Homes
Shelby Crossing
Shelby House
Shelby Park
Shelby Pointe
Shepherds Crossing
Shepherds Glen
Shepherdsville Subdivisions
Sherwood Forest
Shiloh Farms
Signature Point
Silo Farms
Silver Creek
Silver Heights
Silver Oaks
Simpsonville Gardens
Skylight Manor
Smithfield Acres
Smithfield Greene
Smyrna Crossings
Smyrna Place
Smyrna Village
Soho on Main
South Hall
South Shores
Southern Acres
Southern Baptist Seminary
Southern Breeze
Southern Farms
Southern Heights
Southgate Manor
Southside Court
Southwest Acreage
Spalding Station
Spanish Cove
Sparrow Farm
Spencer County Homes
Spencer Farms
Spring Arbor
Spring Creek
Spring Falls
Spring Farm
Spring Farm Place
Spring Farm Pointe
Spring Hill
Spring Hill Estates
Spring House Cove
Spring House Estates
Spring Lake Garden
Spring Meadow
Spring Mill
Spring Oak
Spring Station
Spring Valley
Spring Villa
Springfarm Glen
Springhill Garden
Springhouse Estates
Springmont Place
St. Andrews Crossing
St. Andrews Landing
St. Andrews Park
St. Edwards Place
St. Helens
St. James Place
St. Leo Place
St. Matthews Homes
St. Matthews Manor
St. Matthews Village
St. Regis Park
St. Rose
St. Thomas Moore
Stallings Acres
Stanton Farms
Starview Estates
Station Pointe
Sterling Springs
Stone Bluff
Stone Bridge
Stone Creek
Stone Croft Farm
Stone Heights
Stone Lakes
Stone Ledge
Stone Meadows
Stone Ridge
Stonefield Trace
Stoneledge Estates
Stoneridge Landing
Stoneview Garden
Stonewood Meadows
Stoney Creek Estates
Stoney Ridge
Stoneybrook Woods
Stony Brook Woods
Stony Farm The Estates
Stony Farms The Villas
Stovall Place
Strathmoor Manor
Strathmoor Park
Strathmoor Village
Stuart Kelly Farms
Summerfield by the Lake
Summersfield Place
Summit Estates
Summit Hills
Summit Parks
Summit Ridge
Sun Valley
Sun Valley Manor
Sungold Estates
Sunny Acres
Sunny Slope Crossing
Sunset Gardens
Sunshine Acres
Sunshine Estates
Sunshine Meadows
Surrey Place
Swan Pointe
Sycamore Bend
Sycamore Creek
Sycamore II and III
Sycamore Ridge Estates
Sycamore Run
Sycamore Summitt
Talbott Place
Tanglewood Trail
Tanyard Springs
Tara Oaks
Taylor Creek Wood
Taylorsville Road Subdivisions
Taylorsville Subdivisions
Ten Broeck
Ten Mile Creek Farms
Terrace Green
Terraces at Indian Hills
Terry Manor
The Beechwood
The Bluff
The Cedars
The Commodore
The Cottages at Moss Creek
The Courts
The Coves
The Enclave
The Estates of Locust Grove
The Falls at Old Henry
The Fountains
The Glenview
The Greens of Heritage Hills
The Harbison
The Harbor
The Hepburn
The International
The Landings Condos
The Landings Estates
The Levy
The Lodge
The Lofts
The Madison
The Meadows
The Meadows Mt. Washington
The Meadows of Covered Bridge
The Meadows of Fox Run
The Orchard
The Overlook
The Overlook at Beargrass
The Overlook at Glenmary Village
The Park
The Pines
The Plaza
The Pointe
The Regency Tower
The Reserve at Glenmary
The Reserves of Deerfields
The Ridge at Old Henry
The Rosewood
The Sanctuary
The Seasons
The Springs
The Springs of Glenmary
The Summitt at Polo Fields
The Thierman
The Village
The Village at Northridge
The Village of Bristol Oaks
The Villages at Wildwood
The Villas
The Wildwoods
The Woodlands
The Woods of Pew
Thixton Bend
Thompson Place
Thoroughbred Acres
Thousand Oaks
Thunderbird Acre
Thunderbird Manor
Tiffany Brook
Timber Glen
Timbers of Farmgate
Timberwood Farms
Timothy Hills
Tindale Place
Tindle Ridge Estates
Todds Point Farms
Todds Station
Top Flight Landings
Tower Heights
Town N Country
Town Square
Towne Creek
Towne Orchard
Townepark Manor
Trails Crossing
Trails End
Treasure Island
Treeline Estates
Trinity Park
Triple D
Troon at Landis Lake
Tsueda Farms
Tucker Lake Estates
Tudor Terrace
Tuttle Farm
Twelve Oaks
Twilight Village
Twin Eagles
Twin Falls at River Crest
Twin Oaks
Twin Springs
Tyler Park
University Park
Urton Woods
Valencia at Landis Lake
Valentine House
Valhalla Vista
Valley Downs
Valley Farms
Valley Gardens
Valley Park
Valley Station
Valley View
Valley View Acres
Valley Village
Valley Vista
Valley Woods
Vantage Point
Vetter Heights
Victoria Gardens
Victoria Place
Views of Elk Creek
Villa Anna
Village at Indian Falls
Village Green
Village of Beckley Woods
Village of Farmgate
Village of St. Andrews
Village of Wildwood
Village on the Green
Villages of Newbridge
Villages of Park Duvalle
Villages of White Oaks
Villas at Arbor Creek
Villas at Dorsey
Villas at Grand Oak
Villas at Mallard Lake
Villas at Moss Creek
Villas at Rock Springs
Vine Hill
Vinecrest Woods
Virginian Condo
Vistas of Jeptha Knob
Waldoah Beach
Wanda Gooden
Wardshire Place
Warren Place
Warwich Villa
Warwick Village
Washington Commons
Washington Green
Washington Heights
Washington Manor
Washington Square
Watch Hill
Waterfern Hills
Waterfront Park Place
Watkins Glen
Watterson Height
Watterson Lea
Watterson Park
Watterson Trail
Watterson Woods
Waverly Park
Wedgewood Manor
Weible Acres
Weissinger Estate
Welchire Villas
West Moreland Place
West Park
Westchester Village
Westminster Place
Westover Park
Westport Gardens
Westport Ridge
Westport Road Subdivisions
Westwind Park
Westwood Farms
Wexford Place
Whipps Mill Village
Whipps Mill Woods
Whipps Millgate
Whispering Hills
Whitewood Bend
Whitfield Meadows
Wiggington Estates
Wilchar Estates
Wilder Estates
Wilder Park
Wilderness Village
Wildflower Woods
Wilke Heights
Wilke Ridge
Williams Ridge
Williamsburg Estates
Willow Cove
Willow Creek
Willow Island
Willow Place
Willow Springs
Willow Terrace
Willow Wood
Willow Woods
Willowbrook Estates
Willowhurst Place
Willowlake at Anchorage
Wilson Creek Farms
Wilsonville Heights
Winchester Acres
Winchester Farms
Winchester Place
Winchester Village
Windgate Meadows
Windhurst Acres
Winding Brook
Winding Creek
Winding Falls
Windsor Forest
Windsor Gate
Windsor Lakes
Windsor Place
Windsor Trace
Windy Hills
Winners Circle
Winter Hill Estates
Winter Park
Wiser Alex
Wisteria Landing
Wolf Pen Estates
Wolf Pen Springs
Wolf Pen Trace
Wolf Pen Woods
Wolf Trace
Wolfcreek Woods
Wolfpen Farms
Wood Creek
Wood Valley Park
Woodcreek Crossing
Woodfield Commons
Woodhaven Place
Woodland Acres
Woodland Hills
Woodland Lakes
Woodland Manor
Woodland Park
Woodland Terrace
Woodlands Creek
Woodlands of Hurstbourne
Woodlawn Park
Woodmere Heights
Woodridge Crossings
Woodridge Estates
Woodridge Lake
Woodrow Manor
Woods of Apple Valley
Woods of Brook Hollow
Woods of Crescent Hills
Woods of Farnsley Moorman
Woods of Feyhurst
Woods of Fox Creek
Woods of Glen Oaks
Woods of Glenmary
Woods of Harrods Creek
Woods of Hillview
Woods of Iroquois Heights
Woods of L'Espri
Woods of Landis Lakes
Woods of Mt. Washington
Woods of Pewee Valley
Woods of St. Andrews
Woods of St. Thomas
Woodsdale Farms
Woodside Acres
Woodside Pointe
Wooldridge Place
Worthington Glen
Worthington Hills
Worthington Place
Worthington Subdivisions
Wyndham Place
Yacht Club Estates
Young Acres
Zachary Taylor
Zelma Fields
Zip Code 40014 Crestwood
Zip Code 40023 Fisherville
Zoneton Estates
Zorn Place
1400 Willow
2000 Spring Condominiums
Audubon Park Subdivisions
Audubon Park
Audubon Park Subdivisions
Audubon Woods
Camp Taylor
George Rogers Clark
North Audubon
Parkway Terrace
Parkway Village
Rock Hills
The Plaza
Winchester Village
Barbourmeade Subdivisions
Barbour Manor
Barbour Manor Woods
Barbour Place
Barbourmeade Subdivisions
Beech Spring Farm
Falls Creek
Ivy Ridge
Spring Valley
Bardstown Road Subdivisions
Bannon Crossings
Bardstown Road Heights
Byers Manor
Fairway Acres
Fegenbush Place
Fern Creek
Fern Hill
Gardens of Glenmary
Glenmary East
Glenmary Estates
Glenmary Place
Glenmary Village
Highland Terrace
Hudson Creek
Little Spring Farm
Old Fairground Woods
The Reserve at Glenmary
The Springs of Glenmary
Woods of Glenmary
Brownsboro Road Subdivisions
Birchwood Place
Bridgepointe Estates
Brownsboro Road Subdivisions
Indian Bluff
Indian Hills
Indian Hills Village
Indian Woods
Lancaster Manor
Rock Springs
Rolling Fields
Shadow Wood
Winding Falls
Cherokee Park Neighborhoods
1400 Willow
2000 Spring Condominiums
Cherokee Gardens
Cherokee Hills
Cherokee Park Neighborhoods
Cherokee Park Vista
Cherokee Triangle
Cherokee View
Cherokee Village
Original Highlands
Park Arms
Willow Terrac
Subdivisions in Crestwood, Kentucky
Abbott Glen
Abbott Grove
Arbor Ridge
Ballard Glen
Becker Quarry
Beechdale Place
Briar Hill
Briar Hill Estates
Briar Hill Farms
Brooke Stone
Carriage Hill
Celebration Park
Centerfield Heights
Chapel View
Cole Springs Farm
Cottages of Crestwood
Cottages of Independence Park
Country Village
Crestview Terrace
Crestwood Gardens
Crestwood Subdivisions
Croftboro Farms
Fible Farms
Floydsburg Acres
Foxwood Estates
Gardens at Claymont Springs
Grand Dell
Grand Oaks
Harrods Crossing
Heritage Hills Crestwood
Heritage Manor
Kentucky Acres
Lake Pointe
Lakewood Valley
Lockwood Estates
Locust Run
Madison Park
Mayfield Farms
North Ridge Farms
Park Lake Estate
Poplar Hill
Shadow Creek
Spring Hill
Stanton Farms
Summerfield by the Lake
The Sanctuary
Valley Woods
Village Green
Weible Acres
Woodcreek Crossing
Woods of Harrods Creek
Zip Code 40014 Crestwo
Shepherdsville Subdivisions
Beechwood Estates
Bella Woods
Blossom Ridge Estates
Boulders of Mallard Lake
Brooks Acres
Cedar Place
Clear View Trace
Country Manor
Country Manor Farms
Courtney Heights
Crumbacker Estate
Deer Run Estates
Delmar Dawson
Dogwood Run
Eagle Bluff Estates
English Mill Estates
Floyds Fork Estate
Forest Hill Park
Fox Chase
Frazier Acres
Grand Oak Estates
Hebron Estates
Hebron Woods
Hensley Estates
Heritage Hills
High Meadows
Knob Acres
Lake Columbia Estates
Lakes of Dogwood
Lazy River Estates
Lees Acres
Lotus Pointe
Majestic Acres
Mallard Lake
Mallard Pointe
Masden Acres
Meadow Brook Estates
Meadow Peak
Meadows of Cedar Grove
Miles Place
Mill Stream
Miller Heights
Millers Crossing
Millet Estates
Mt. Washington
Oak Grove
Oak Pointe Estates
Old Spring House Farms
Peaceful Valley
Pine Creek Forest
Reserves Of Mallard Lake
River Valley Estates
Rustic Hill
Serene Meadows
Settlers Gap
Shepherds Glen
Shepherdsville Subdivisions
St. Andrews Crossing
Stallings Acres
Stoney Ridge
Sunshine Estates
Sycamore Bend
Tanglewood Trail
The Greens of Heritage Hills
The Pointe
The Wildwoods
Villas at Grand Oak
Villas at Mallard Lake
Willow Place
Woodland Acres
Woodsdale Farms